occupational health management homeoffice with ergonomic workplace

Health in the workplace: the importance and benefits of occupational health management

6 March 2024

In a world where workloads are constantly increasing and the boundaries between work and private life are becoming blurred, the well-being of employees has become a key concern for companies. Occupational health management (OHM) is a strategic approach that aims to promote the health and well-being of employees and thus increase the company's performance and productivity in the long term.

Workplace health management measures

  • Health promotion in the workplace: Companies can offer various programs and activities that promote the physical and mental health of employees. These include, for example, fitness classes, joint running groups, yoga classes, ergonomics training, stress management seminars and smoking cessation programs.employees in the skilled trades often spend the majority of their day in physically demanding activities. 
  • Ergonomic workplace design: The design of an ergonomic workplace helps to prevent physical complaints and injuries. Companies should ensure that their employees' workstations are ergonomically designed to promote healthy posture and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. This includes, for example, height-adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs, good lighting and the correct arrangement of screens and keyboards.
  • Ergonomic training for manual work: As employees in the skilled trades often carry out physically demanding work, it is important to make them aware of ergonomic working methods. There are special training courses aimed at informing employees about workplace-optimized methods. These include, for example, correct posture when lifting heavy loads, the use of ergonomic tools and minimizing repetitive movements to avoid injuries and physical strain.
  • Health checks and preventive medical check-ups: Regular health checks identify potential health risks early and help employees take preventative measures. Companies can also offer programs to financially support preventive check-ups.
  • Flexible working time models and home office: The possibility of flexible working hours and the option of working from home help to improve the work-life balance of employees and reduce stress.
  • Healthy nutrition and catering: Providing healthy meals and snacks in the workplace and promoting healthy eating through educational campaigns help increase employee energy and productivity.
  • Psychological support and counseling: Companies can provide psychological support services to support the mental health needs of their employees. This can take the form of counseling sessions, workshops on stress management, conflict management or resilience training. Open communication and a supportive environment help to reduce mental stress and improve employee wellbeing.

occupational health management healthy business lunch
occupational health management employees work at an ergonomic workplace

Company bike leasing as a component of a successful BGM:

Positive external impact

By integrating company bike leasing into the OHM, companies actively demonstrate their commitment to the health and well-being of their employees and at the same time create an environmentally friendly and sustainable work culture.

Ideal for commuters and leisure cyclists

In this context, company bike leasing can be an extremely effective measure: By offering it as part of their BGM program, companies enable employees to actively commute to work or go on short bike rides during work breaks.

Positive effect on body and mind

This not only promotes the physical health of employees, but also helps to reduce stress and increase well-being.

Ideal component for BGM

Company bike leasing is therefore the perfect way to incorporate and combine numerous benefits of occupational health management.

Advantages of occupational health management

  • Increase in employee satisfaction and loyalty: By taking care of their employees' well-being, companies increase employee satisfaction and retention. Employees who feel valued and supported are more motivated and committed to their work.
  • Reduction in sickness absence: Preventative measures and early detection of health problems can reduce sickness absence. Healthy employees are less susceptible to illness and perform their work more effectively.
  • Increased productivity: When employees are healthy and motivated, their productivity also increases. Healthy employees are more energetic, more focused and can concentrate better on their tasks.
  • Cost savings for the company: Although investments in OHM may initially incur costs, they result in significant cost savings for the company in the long term. By reducing sickness absence and increasing productivity, companies benefit in the long term.
  • Attractiveness as an employer: Companies that take care of their employees' well-being are more attractive to potential employees. Good occupational health management can help to attract and retain talented specialists.

Overall, it is clear that occupational health management brings many benefits not only for employees, but also for the company itself. By promoting health and well-being in the workplace, companies can become more successful and competitive in the long term. It is therefore advisable to consider OHM as an integral part of the corporate strategy and to continuously improve it.

It is important that OHM is firmly integrated into the corporate culture and actively supported by the company management. This creates a positive working environment in which employees feel valued and supported.