Guide, news & trends

Taxes and insurance


E-bike and dog: a good combination for active adventures together

The e-bike is enjoying great popularity and at the same time many dog owners are experiencing the challenge of letting their four-legged friends take part in their tours. But a ride together with your four-legged friend can be enriching for both owner and dog. We have summarized the advantages and practical tips for this joint adventure.

29 May 2024
French bulldog in a bicycle basket


The importance of cycling infrastructure for cities: How cycle paths and infrastructure can change cities

In recent years, the importance of cycling infrastructure in cities worldwide has increased significantly. In response to the challenges of climate change, traffic congestion and general quality of life, more and more cities are turning to cycle paths and infrastructure to create a sustainable and liveable environment.

8 May 2024
Many cyclists on bridge


Lease a Bike’s expansion into the US with employer-sponsored program encourages greener commutes and healthier lifestyles

Lease a Bike, the world’s largest bike leasing program, has announced its entrance into the US, starting with California. The move, backed by the financial strength of Volkswagen Financial Services, introduces American employers and employees to a successful employer-sponsored initiative designed to make bicycling more accessible and appealing.

26 April 2024
Two young women on their E-Bikes in the city


Employee recruitment in the 21st century: Success strategies for modern recruiting

In today's world, competition for talented employees is tougher than ever before. Companies are faced with the challenge of not only finding highly qualified professionals, but also retaining them for the long term. Traditional methods of recruiting have changed significantly over the years and it is crucial to keep up with the latest trends and strategies in order to be successful in recruiting.

10 April 2024
Applicants sit in a line and wait


A greener future: our cooperation with Planted for forest protection

In times when the threats posed by climate change are becoming ever more tangible, it is essential for companies to take responsibility and implement sustainable measures. As part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we are realizing milestones in our CSR efforts with our partner Planted. This partnership marks another step on our journey to becoming a more sustainable and environmentally conscious company.

27 March 2024
Climate forester Jan Borchert on an area in Cologne


Study reveals: Company bike leasing on the rise as a coveted corporate benefit in companies

The world of corporate benefits has changed significantly in recent years. In addition to traditional benefits such as health insurance and company pensions, sustainable mobility concepts are becoming increasingly important. A recent Statista study commissioned by Lease a Bike has now shed light on the popularity of company bike leasing as a corporate benefit in medium-sized companies.

20 March 2024
Woman with modern e-bike

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